SyenApp: Shows you how to save money while shopping online

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When you’re a shopping enthusiast, you have multiple assorted shopping apps such as Honey for seller comparison and RetailMeNot for finding offers. But too many different apps can cause confusion. It’s all too simple to waste hours scouring these apps just to end up being frustrated, or even worse, with some rather pricey impulsive buys. […]

Conversations, Deals, Proof of purchases – all in one place

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When 2020 began and the pandemic struck the world, internet access and adoption increased rapidly, and the number of digital buyers kept climbing. Over two billion people purchased goods or services online and e-retail sales surpassed 4.2 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide. In the same year, global retail e-commerce sales grew by over 25 percent according to Statista.  If we are here, we too […]

How to Automate your Deal Finding Experience?

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It must be tiresome to keep hunting for #shoppingdeals online. What is more bothersome is getting unwanted emails regarding #promotions and #deals. What should you do in such a scenario? Well, we have a #one-stepsolution for you: SyenApp! SyenApp is the #new-ageapp for all your #shopping deals. A great app that #storesreceipts, coupons, promotions and offers […]