Best 50 Black Friday Deals – 2021
Check out the hottest and the Best Black Friday deals in 2021 from top retailers. Black Friday 2021 is only a few days ahead, and some of the biggest retailers, such as Amazon, Costco, and Walmart, have already begun to offer massive Black Friday deals. We, SyenApp have searched far and wide to find the […]
Enjoy the Holiday Season with SyenApp!
It’s a fact, we all love holidays. The holiday season is the best time of the year. Of course, there’s the celebration of festivals with family and friends, hogging delicious foods, gifting your close ones with special items, and going on vacation to fun destinations. But another exciting factor about the holiday season is the […]
SyenApp for Control and Privacy at your fingertips.
We generally take the privacy and having control over our email inbox lightly. Given the fact that most of us can’t manage without reading our emails daily. But if the Sony Pictures hack taught us anything, it’s that emails are a popular target for cybercriminals and data thieves. As they aren’t a very tough target […]
SyenApp: The Virtual Retail Shopping Mall
As a frequent shopper, if given a choice, would you like to shop at individual retail stores or at a shopping mall? The mall, right? Because it has all your most-liked brands in one place. Certainly, it’s more convenient to shop at the mall. Whenever you want to buy multiple items or when the holiday […]
Stop the Confusion: Track Orders with SyenApp!
If you enjoy shopping and doing it regularly, then there is often this feeling of excitement and restlessness after you place an order. Maybe because those cool kicks were finally available in your size or because the latest iPhone, which you wanted for so long, was upon sale. Very familiar, right? Following the ordering process, you are all too eager to know how soon […]
Go Green with SyenApp!
Over the years, humans continuously exploited the natural resources provided and kept harming the environment for personal welfare. This led to some seriously negative effects, such as global warming and climate change; water pollution and ocean acidification; and loss of biodiversity. But slowly and surely, people across the globe are focusing on going green since […]